
DNB Question Bank 2, ocular pathology

1. Papilloma
2. Meibomian gland carcinoma
3. HPE Rodent ulcer
4. HPE of chalazion
5. Path of tumours of lacrimal sac.
6. HPE of ocular dermoids
7. HPE of phlycten
8. HPE of vernal catarrh
9. Conjunctival Cytology in health and disease
10. Path of pterygium
11. Pathology of trachoma follicles
Anterior segment
12. Pannus formation
13. Refractive errors (Myopia, Hyperopia)
14. Arcus senilis
15. Histology of conjunctival xerosis
16. Pathogenesis of corneal graft rejection
17. Trabecular meshwork in the pathogenesis of glaucoma
18. Open angle glaucoma
19. Koeppe and Busacca nodules
20. HPE of absolute glaucoma
Posterior segment
21. Dalen fuch’s nodule
22. Myopic chorioretinal degeneration
23. Pathogenesis of age-related cataract
24. CMV retinitis
25. Pathology of temporal arteritis
26. Pathogenesis of asteroid hyalitis
27. Path of toxoplasmosis
28. Path of posterior uveitis
29. Pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy
30. Pathogenesis of atherosclerotic retinopathy
31. Disciform degeneration
32. Choroidal detachment.
33. Eales’ disease
34. Central Serous Retinopathy
35. Cystoid Macular Edema
36. Macular scar
37. Coat’s disease
38. Vasculitis Retinae
39. Retinitis Pigmentosa
40. Berlin’s edema
41. Meningioma
42. Describe several pathological changes seen on Optic Nerve Head
43. HPE of retinoblastoma
44. Malignant melanoma - Histo types + path.
45. Pathology of Optic Nerve tumours
46. Pathology of pseudotumour of orbit
47. HPE of pseudoglioma
48. Pigmented tumors of the eye
49. Dyktyoma
50. Flexner - Wintersteiner rosette
51. HLA antigens and eye
52. Radiation changes in the eye
53. Ocular changes in TB
54. Modern concepts of allergic reactions - role of allergy in ocular diseases
55. Pathology of ocular changes in Diabetes Mellitus
56. Thyroid exophthalmopathy

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